Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions


The detailing of the retouching can be done differently (save less details or save more details), you can indicate this in the technical specifications, describing it in words or attaching references. Please use the pointers on the image to draw attention to the location in question if necessary.

If the image requires special grading, share your reference with us to convey your vision as much as possible

Send the image with finished color correction or color grading in TIFF/PSD format or RAW with adjustments. If the image needs color correction or grading, please send RAW formats.


USA /Miami, time zone - UTC -5

Retouching hours – Monday – Friday- 11 am - 7 pm

Answers by mail - Monday – Friday- until  8 pm

Weekend - days off/ (double payment if needed)

Holidays - days off / (double payment if needed)


Depending on the number of images, the complexity of the retouching, and the workload of other projects. On average finished images are sent within one workweek. It is possible to ask to send finished images in parts, all at once or as they are ready.

Contact us.

hi.alice@retouchingboutiq.net - main
houseboutiquek@gmail.com - reserve

Miami, FL

To get the most accurate price, send as many details, references/or raw images as possible. You will receive a response within one day.

It will be a pleasure to work with you!